Stephen Huelsman always had a dream to race cars.  Unfortunately racing cars is not a cheap dream and so racing was just that, a dream.  In 2008 a friend of his told him about kart racing at Adams Motorsports Park and the dream of racing seemed attainable.  Knowing nothing about the sport and not really being someone who knew much about working on cars, Stephen Huelsman purchased a 100cc kart and a beat up old van to transport it in.  With the help of his dad, Jay Huelsman, they set out to be a race team.

There is nothing cheap about racing, but kart racing is the least expensive avenue into motorsports.  The first season of racing for the Huelsman's saw little success and many unfinished races.  This was mostly due to mechanical failures and the limited knowledge they had about karting.  As it turns out, karting is complicated.  Karting has special tools that a normal tool box wouldn't have.  Kart set up is a science and not an easily learned science.  In racing you have crashes and when you crash, you have to have back up parts.  Basically you have to have a complete kart in pieces as a back up in case of part failure.

In 2009 the Huelsman team was starting to figure the sport out, but lots of money was wasted in the process.  The Huelsman team made many mistakes on how and when to spend money and who to learn from.  Stephen Huelsman loved the sport though and decided that he would always do what he could to help new drivers.  His career as a kart driver has been a steady climb winning races and eventually championships.  In 2010 he won the 100cc So Cal Sprinters Championship.  In 2011 he won the International Karting Federation Region 7 Championship.  In 2013 he raced on the Pro Tour with a career best finish of 4th. 

In 2015 Velocity Karting was formed as a way for Stephen Huelsman to help new drivers get involved in the sport.  The vision was not to make money on drivers, but to build a team of drivers who loved racing and could work together for the betterment of all. The mission is to help drivers chase their racing dreams and not spend money unnecessarily. 

How is this done?  With his years of experience and knowledge from the school of hard knocks, Stephen Huelsman has put together a system to take any aspiring racer and give them the opportunity to race and win.  And he does this with no profit in mind.  Is it free, of course not, as you have to buy your kart and pay for your expenses to race, but Velocity Karting stream lines all of the processes to shave away any unnecessary expenses.

First we get to know a potential driver and see if he/she is a person who we can see as a good fit for our team.  Talent isn't what we are looking for.  We want to find likeminded individuals who we like working with and believe can contribute to a fun day at the track.  If you love racing, have a good attitude and not afraid to get your hands dirty, we may have a spot for you on our team.

Next we help the new driver buy a kart.  Many people will try to sell you the latest and greatest kart.  Sure new karts are nice but for a new driver they are an unnecessary expense.  We find a good used kart with a strong motor for the right price.  This can range from $1,250 to $2,000 but compared to the price tag of $6,000 for a new chassis and $3,000 for a new motor, this is a good bargain.

The new driver now is invited to practice with the team free of charge.  They get to learn from the entire team such things as kart maintenance, kart setup, racing line and racing strategies.  Depending on the driver, this practice time can take months to get them comfortable or just days.  In any event, when the driver is comfortable we invite them to join the team at a club race.  At the club race we work with the driver on managing a race day at the track.

Every new member to our team gets a copy of the Velocity Karting racing manual.  This manual is an every evolving book, but it talks about everything you need to know about karting.  Kart set up, kart changes, strategies, advice and misc. info.  Every driver of our team is invited to all practices, races and have access to our pits free of charge.  Additionally should they have a failure on the track and need help repairing the kart, the Velocity team jumps to lend a hand to other team members. 

Finally Velocity Karting has a fully stocked trailer of parts for its team.  Instead of having to buy parts in anticipation of needs, a Velocity driver just buys what they need when they need it from the trailer.  In many cases the trailer has both new and used parts to save money for the tighter budget racer.

If you have a racing dream, we may be able to help you.  Contact us anytime at velocitykartinginc@gmail.com